I know you like me, and a part of me likes you too.
You’re captivated by the growth within me, drawn to how clearly I see and understand you. It’s the fruits of my journey on healing and growth.
You are baffled, yet irresistibly drawn to the fearless honesty in me,
If pain doesn’t push a man deeper into deception, it elevates him higher in honesty—the resultant in me,
In what I share, without a care, you know you are seen, and I see you there…
Maybe your heart is asking too much of what your mind is questioning…
Will I let you into my romantic space?
A space, a place to be intimate with me.
Sensitivity—something we brothers that are working on themselves cultivate. I feel the moans and deep longings of what your heart is askin’.
I see clearly what you’re hidin’—whatchu maskin’?
I’m not in a place to let you into my romantic space.
But I can let you in on my healing ground…
I can show…
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